Requests for information (NOT for access to information involving personal data) held by OFCA but not available on our web site should be submitted to our Access to Information Officer by online application or filling in the application form for access to information. The application form is also available at the reception counter of the following address:

Access to Information Officer
Office of the Communications Authority
29/F, Wu Chung House
213 Queen's Road East
Wan Chai, Hong Kong

Tel : (852) 2961 6751
Fax : (852) 2591 0316
E-mail :

Other than publications which are available free of charge, or at costs specified, the following photocopying charge may be levied in relation to your application:

The standard fee of photocopying in black and white on A3 and A4 papers shall be HK$1.6 and HK$1.5 per photocopy respectively unless otherwise provided by enactment or approved by the Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury. The above charge is subject to revision from time to time.

Requests involving Access to / Correction of Personal Data

For requests involving access to / correction of personal data, please download the request form(s) for access to / correction of personal data for submission to our Personal Data Officer.

Personal Data Officer
Office of the Communications Authority
29/F, Wu Chung House
213 Queen's Road East
Wan Chai, Hong Kong

Tel:(852) 2961 6659
Fax:(852) 2187 3104