To address the public concerns on charging disputes related to Mobile Content Services (MCS), the Communications Association of Hong Kong (CAHK) issued a self regulatory industry code entitled "Code for the Provision of Chargeable Mobile Content Services" (the Code) on 11 January 2010.

The Code was subsequently revised by the CAHK to streamline the self regulatory arrangements under the Code. In accordance with the revised Code which has taken effect from 1 April 2017, Mobile Network Operators or Mobile Virtual Network Operators (collectively referred to as “Mobile Operators”) shall assess Content Service Providers’ (CSPs) capability of and secure their pledges in complying with the relevant requirements stipulated in the Code and monitor the CSPs' continual compliance with the Code.

The revised Code will continue to ensure that relevant measures in respect of safeguarding consumer interests and provision of transparent pricing information related to MCS by CSPs are put in place by the CSPs and Mobile Operators.

The Code and related press release about the self regulatory arrangement for MCS are given on the CAHK’s website: