Please Use These to Complete Applications

Application Form and Attached Documents Now Provided on the Authority's Web Site:
Please Use These to Complete Applications

Bidders are required to fill in the Application Form and append certain documents to it, together with a diskette or CD-ROM onto which a list of parties appearing in part 4 of the Application Form should be listed.

In order to facilitate checking and to prevent accidental discrepancies, it would be helpful if Bidders would download the following documents from the Authority's website and use these to provide their Applications rather than the documents which were previously posted on the website under "Forms for Application". The new formats of the documents contain notes to assist Bidders in completing them. They are otherwise unchanged except for the modifications made specified in the Modification Notice dated 7 September 2001. The new formats of the documents were posted on the website on 10 September 2001.

The Application Form is provided in Word format so that Bidders can download the Application Form and fill in relevant sections on screen before printing it off.

The Excel Spreadsheet for downloading and inputting the information required by section 4(b) is provided in Office 97. This should be completed in the precise format set out in order to create the Excel file on diskette or CD-ROM which must be supplied with the Application.

The Relevant Appendices to the Application Form set out in Appendices 2 to 8 of the Notice. These are provided in PDF format and therefore cannot be altered. It is perfectly acceptable for the relevant party's details to be filled in by pen in the spaces provided, as long as they are legible and in block capitals. Alternatively Bidders may wish to fill them in using a typewriter or word processor.

These documents should be printed onto the following Letterheading or paper before execution:

* these documents are not required for the pre-qualification process