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Chapter 8 Financial Results

Financial Statements

Statement of Financial Position

as at 31 March 2015
(Expressed in thousands of Hong Kong dollars)

      Note   2015   2014
Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment 8 159,401 168,997
Intangible assets 9 3,030 2,994
Placement with the Exchange Fund 10 829,651 800,821
992,082 972,812
Current assets
Debtors, deposits and advance payments 2,633 2,519
Amounts due from related parties 21 330 -
Interest receivable from placement with the Exchange Fund 11,251 7,109
Other Interest receivable 469 1,117
Bank deposits 287,000 321,100
Cash and bank balances 9,137 6,975
310,820 338,820
Current liabilities
Creditors and accruals 21,157 32,249
Provision for employee benefits 12 6,431 3,018
Amounts due to related parties 21 25,870 30,238
Deferred income 13 172,471 162,995
Notional profits tax payable 10,012 10,907
235,941 239,407
Net current assets 74,879 99,413
Total assets less current liabilities 1,066,961 1,072,225
Non-current liabilities
Deferred tax 11 1,357 1,773
Provision for employee benefits 12 90,857 88,470
92,214 90,243
NET ASSETS 974,747
Trading fund capital 14 212,400 212,400
Development reserve 15 690,165 690,165
Retained earnings 16 - -
Proposed dividend 17 72,182 79,417

The notes form part of these financial statements.

Miss Eliza Lee
General Manager,
Office of the Communications Authority Trading Fund

30 September 2015