Optical Fibre Access Enables Smart Living for All

The Labelling Scheme for Buildings with Optical Fibre Access (the “Scheme”) aims to promote the awareness of the public including building owners, building management offices (“BMO”) and property developers on the merits of having optical fibre network access in their buildings.

Optical fibre network provides high speed connection to the Internet which has become an integral part of people’s lives enabling access to various advanced communications services and applications for personal and business uses. It also allows BMO to control and monitor the facilities in buildings more efficiently with state of the art smart tools for evolvement into smart buildings. The availability of optical fibre network access to a building will uplift its value and premium image as well.

Under the Scheme, OFCA compiles and maintains a register of buildings connected with optical fibre networks (the “Register”) based on information provided by fixed network operators as well as owners, owners’ corporations, BMO and/or property developers as appropriate (collectively referred to as the “Relevant Parties”). A building registered under the Scheme may display the following label (the “Designated Label”) indicating that it has access to the optical fibre network.


The Register is available for public access at -

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For Owners, Owners’ Corporations / Owners’ Committees and BMO of Registered Buildings

For a registered building, the Relevant Parties may display the Designated Label in a prominent location in the lobby/entrance of the building to publicize its technological superiority, i.e. the building has already been connected to optical fibre network, for information of the occupants among others. Subject to the Conditions of Use, the Relevant Parties may download the softcopy of the Designated Label and reproduce it in any materials (including notices, newsletters and Internet websites) relevant to the buildings at their own cost.

OFCA can be contacted for provision of the Designated Label through one of the following means:-

by post: In-Building Sub-Section
Office of the Communications Authority
29/F, Wu Chung House
213 Queen's Road East
Wan Chai, Hong Kong
by email: ftth-b@ofca.gov.hk
by phone: 8102 4100
by fax: 2803 5113
For Owners, Owners’ Corporations / Owners’ Committees and BMO of Buildings Not Yet Registered

If a building has not yet been registered but has already been connected to the optical fibre network, the owners’ corporation / owners’ committee or BMO of the building could provide OFCA with information on the names of the relevant telecommunications operators which make available the optical fibre network access in the building through one of the following means for registration of the building under the Scheme:-

by post: In-Building Sub-Section
Office of the Communications Authority
29/F, Wu Chung House
213 Queen's Road East
Wan Chai, Hong Kong
by email: ftth-b@ofca.gov.hk
by phone: 8102 4100
by fax: 2803 5113

If the registration is successful, OFCA would provide the Designated Label for display in a prominent location in lobby/entrance of the building to publicize its technological superiority/in respect of access to the optical fibre network. Subject to the Conditions of Use, the Relevant Parties may download the softcopy of the Designated Label and reproduce it in any materials (including notices, newsletters and Internet websites) relevant to the building at their own cost.

For Property Developers

Under the existing arrangement, property developers may invite licensed telecommunications operators to provide fixed telecommunications network services to a new building at the development phase. If optical fibre access will be made available in the building, the property developer concerned could provide OFCA with information on the names of the relevant telecommunications operators through one of the following means for registration of the new building under the Scheme:-

by post: In-Building Sub-Section
Office of the Communications Authority
29/F, Wu Chung House
213 Queen's Road East
Wan Chai, Hong Kong
by email: ftth-b@ofca.gov.hk
by phone: 8102 4100
by fax: 2803 5113

If the registration is successful, the property developer concerned may download the softcopy of the Designated Label and reproduce it in the sales materials (including sales brochures, promotion materials and Internet websites) to publicize the technological superiority of the building concerned in respect of access to the optical fibre network. When the development of the building has been completed, the property developer or BMO as appropriate, can request for the provision of the Designated Label from OFCA for display in a prominent location in lobby/entrance of the building and reproduced it in any materials (including notices, newsletters and Internet websites) relevant to the building. The use of the Designated Label is subject to the Conditions of Use.

Publicity Materials


For any questions on the Scheme, please contact OFCA through one of the following means:-

by post: In-Building Sub-Section
Office of the Communications Authority
29/F, Wu Chung House
213 Queen's Road East
Wan Chai, Hong Kong
by email: ftth-b@ofca.gov.hk
by phone: 8102 4100
by fax: 2803 5113