Application Operating Frequency and Maximum Output Power Eligible Users Applicable Licence Licence Fees Use of Type Approved Equipment (relevant specifications)
Wireless Microphone for business Within the 174 MHz and 184 MHz bands to be assigned by the Communications Authority

Maximum output power: 20mW e.r.p.

(See paragraph 2(b) of the Notes in the Application Form for Private Mobile Radio System Licence (Wireless Microphone) for details)
Corporate users holding a valid licence Private Mobile Radio System Licence HK$220 per annum Yes, (Compulsory certification against HKCA 1008)
Wireless Microphone (general purpose) Within the 33 – 47.5 MHz and 174.1 MHz bands

Maximum output power:
  • 100mW e.r.p. for the 35.145 – 35.225 MHz and 40.66 – 40.70 MHz bands
  • 10mW or 20mW e.r.p. for the remaining bands
(See paragraph 1 of the notes in the Application Form for Private Mobile Radio System Licence (Wireless Microphone) for details)
General public Exempted from licensing1 NA Voluntary, (Voluntary certification against HKCA 1035)

Note 1: Pursuant to the Telecommunications (Telecommunications Apparatus)(Exemption from Licensing) Order (CAP. 106Z)