Consumer Advice

Internet of Things (“IoT”) is a technology which enables the provision of communications platforms and services for interconnected devices to generate, exchange and consume data with minimal human intervention. With the proliferation of IoT devices being deployed for a wide range of applications, you are encouraged to follow the best practices listed below for better protection of your data when using IoT devices –

  1. understand the product before purchase;
  2. check the reputation of the manufacturer and find out if it has been involved in any illegal behaviours. Avoid using IoT devices that do not have inquiry / support service or when the original manufacturer / vendor of the IoT devices no longer exists;
  3. set a unique username and strong password for each device, never divulge your username / password to other people, and change the password regularly;
  4. adjust the security and privacy settings to higher levels than default factory settings before using the devices;
  5. perform regular security update of the software of IoT devices. Do not use IoT devices if the software is no longer updatable;
  6. avoid using IoT devices that transmit personal data as far as possible. Disable functions and turn off such devices if they are not in use, and erase all information and personal data before disposing of the IoT devices; and
  7. enquire about the network condition for IoT devices if anything unusual is observed.