Latest Statistics on Consumer Complaints on Telecom Services Received by Communications Authority (Updated Quarterly)

Service Type 2021 2022 2023 2024
1st to 3rd Quarter
(Jan – Sep)
Mobile 670 669 1,081 783
Fixed Network 174 140 142 121
Internet 306 414 337 320
External Telecommunications 14 4 6 3
Others 0 0 2 1
*Unclassified 12 12 11 8
Total 1,176 1,239 1,579 1,236

* Complainants did not specify the services type under complaint, nor did they provide contacting details for Communications Authority (CA) to follow up the cases.


CA only investigates complaints involving possible breach of provisions of the Telecommunications Ordinance or licence conditions. Please note that complaints involving money or contract disputes are outside the jurisdiction of this office. If you have these kinds of complaints, please settle it directly with your service provider. For more details on how CA handles consumer complaints, please click to the following link: