Statistics on Radio Interference Cases Investigated & Radiation Hazard Measurement for the Month of August 2024

End of Year Broadcast Commercial Government Radiation Hazard
2023 334 1,812 728 203 3,077
2022 367 1,372 648 246 2,633
2021 265 1,488 1,308 385 3,446
2020 242 1,125 1,360 309 3,036
2019 229 1,349 1,450 420 3,448
2018 201 1,264 1,559 566 3,590
2017 290 1,247 1,639 1,017 4,193
2016 363 1,178 1,696 445 3,682
2015 308 1,408 1,309 398 3,423
2014 393 1,252 1,435 435 3,515
End of Month Broadcast Commercial Government Radiation Hazard
Aug-24 17 236 52 9 314
Jul-24 31 218 56 13 318
Jun-24 18 185 80 7 290
May-24 18 169 51 17 255
Apr-24 19 173 67 37 296
Mar-24 21 160 59 13 253
Feb-24 16 166 64 11 257
Jan-24 29 184 90 20 323
Dec-23 12 194 109 11 326
Nov-23 29 197 46 16 288
Oct-23 24 178 50 15 267
Sep-23 24 169 54 19 266
Total 258 2,229 778 188 3,453